Thursday 15 August 2013

Statues, Public Art, Sculptures

A few years ago I participated in a Public Art Walking tour with Dr Nicholas Hardwick in and around the Royal Botanic Gardens. I enjoyed the tour and have recently revisited the walk and taken photos of all the various pieces we looked at along the way.

You might recognise some of the pieces but also find some new ones along the way.

The first statue is of  navigator, chart maker and explorer Matthew Flinders outside the Mitchell Library on Macquarie St. It was unveiled in 1925. He was the first to circumnavigate Australia and gave Australia its name.

Behind Matthew Flinders perched on one of the window ledges is a small bronze statue of  his faithful companion, Trim the cat. The statue has it's right paw raised and its head looking in the direction of its master. It was unveiled in 1996.

On the ledge behind Matthew Flinders' statue and the ledge in front of Trim there are small bronze paw prints.


  1. I've never noticed the paw prints. I'll have a look for them next time.

  2. I'm using this for a school projekt and this site has all the information I need (it's kind of a short projekt but yeah…) THX!!!:D

  3. I actually live in Sweden, you see...

  4. BTW: am I bad at Inglish?...:/

  5. I don't Think anyone is hoing to reply...

  6. Why am I doing this...

  7. Eh… I'm gonna go play on my computer instead… :p
