Thursday 1 August 2013

Thirsty anyone

This ornate canopy for a drinking fountain was one of eight ordered from Macfarlane's Iron Foundry in Scotland in 1870. They were ordered by Mayor Renny and placed in various locations around the city.

The design was tailored to the city's needs and incorporated the city's coat of arms.


This one was relocated to Macquarie Place in the 1970's.


  1. So where is the tap to drink from or is it just the ornate shelter that has been kept?

  2. It is just the ornate shelter that has been kept unfortunately. I know that one of our curators at Sydney Living Museums has recently been researching drinking fountains in Sydney so will hopefully tap ( yes notice the pun) into her findings soon.

  3. This is a great shot of it. I've photographed on at Oxford Square and one at Elizabeth Bay.

    1. Thanks Jim. I will have to have a look for the others as well.
